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Đại lý phân phối  SELET tại Việt NamInductive sensors SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comA01: not amplified, 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø sensors; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamA01Q: not amplified, block type sensors, DIN shape; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/A01CF: not amplified, plate block type sensors; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletminiature series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMA:not amplified (namur) 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 mm Ø; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMB:amplified PNP or NPN, 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 mm Ø; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Cenelec series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletB01: standard Cenelec series, 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø,Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comamplified dc type, PNP or NPN; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamB02: shortly Cenelec series, 6,5 - 8- 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø,  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/amplified dc type, PNP or NPN; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletlong range series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB03: long range series, 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø,  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namamplified dc type, PNP or NPN; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/B04: long range shortly series, 6,5 - 8- 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø,  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletamplified dc type, PNP or NPN;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comprogrammable PNP/NPN series   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamB05: sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/High immunity against noises   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletB06: sensors 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, dc type; Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB07: sensors 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, dc type, shortly series; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namtwo wire dc type series;   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/B08: two wire dc type amplified series; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletextended supply range series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(1) B09: sensors with supply range 10-50 Vdc, 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø;  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(2) B10: sensors eith supply range 10-60 Vdc, 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/TTL compatible series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletB11: sensors with supply range 5-12 Vcc, 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.compush-pull output series   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamB12: sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, PNP/NPN connected with both NO Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/and NC function, dc type; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletsmooth housing series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB13: smooth housing dc type 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø series; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namplastic housing series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/B14: sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, PNP or NPN , dc type; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletB18: plastic housing two wire dc type, sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, PNP or NPN;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comC14: plastic housing two wire ac type, sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namteflon housing series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/B15: sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, PNP or NPN , dc type; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletB19: sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, PNP or NPN , two wire dc type;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comC15: sensors 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, PNP or NPN , two wire ac type; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namextended temperature range: +100 °C   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/B16: sensors 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, dc type; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletextended temperature range: -40 °C  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB17: sensors 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, dc type; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namanalog series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/B50: sensors 12, 18, 30 mm Ø, output 0-10 V, 0-10 mA, 4-20 mA; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletcULus series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB60: standard cULus series, 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, amplified dc type, PNP or NPN; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamB61: shortly cULus series, 6,5 - 8- 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, amplified dc type, PNP or NPN; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/cULus for high protection series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletB62: standard cULus for high protection series, 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, amplified dc type, PNP or NPN;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB63: shortly cULus for high protection series, 6,5 - 8- 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, amplified dc type, PNP or NPN; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namno short-circuit proof series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/B81: sensors 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, dc type; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletunlocked short circuit proof series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB83: sensors 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø, dc type; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamB84: sensors 6,5 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø shortly series, dc type; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/speed control series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletBCR: sensors 18 - 30 mm Ø, dc type; Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comCCR: sensors 30 mm Ø, ac type; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namtwo wire ac type series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/C01: two wire ac type amplified 12 - 18 - 30 mm Ø series; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletblock type series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(1) B01CF - C01CF: plate sensors, small dimensions, dc type and ac type;  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(2) A01Q - B01Q: dimensions 80x80x50mm, pvc housing, NAMUR and dc type; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(3) B01Q10...B01QM30: plate sensors, plastic and metal housing, dc type;  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet(4) A01QO - B01QO - C01QO: dimensions 40x40x100mm, rotary head, pvc housing, NAMUR type, dc type and ac type; Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(5) B03QO: dimensions 40x40x100mm, long range, rotary head, pvc housing, dc type; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(6) B01Q8: dimensions 8x8mm, plate sensor, metal housing, dc type; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/fork series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletA01F: fork sensors with air gap from 3.5 mm to 10 mm, namur type; Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB01F: fork sensors with air gap from 3.5 mm to 10 mm, dc type;  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamC01F: fork sensors with air gap of 10 mm, ac type; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/ring series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletA01AN: ring sensors with holes from 1 mm to 100 mm, namur type;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comB01AN: ring sensors with holes from 1 mm to 100 mm, dc type Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV81P: M18 photo switch, polarized   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletphoto switch with polarized light:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV81P/C: inline reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFix or adjustable sensitivity Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Plastic or metal housing SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletShort circuit proofWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comConnection by cable or M12 connector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply range 10...30 Vdc (PNP & NPN versions) Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/dc amplified three wire: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletNPN-NO or NPN-NC or NPN-NO/NC versionsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPNP-NO or PNP-NC or PNP NO/NC versions Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV80: M12 photo switch   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV80/D: diffuse types 100, 200 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV80/P-B: through beam - sender + receiver - 4 mWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comdc amplified three wire: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/NPN-NO or NPN-NC versions SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPNP-NO or PNP-NC versionsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMetal housing Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamShort circuit proof Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Connection by cable or M12 connector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV81: M18 photo switch  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(1) OCV81/D: inline diffuse types 100, 200, 400, 600, 1000 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(1) OCV81/DA: angled diffuse type 100, 200, 400, 600 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(2) OCV81/C: inline reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet(2) OCV81/CA: angled reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflectorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(3) OCV81/P-B: inline through beam - sender + receiver 15 m (DC) and 10 m (AC) Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(3) OCV81/PA-BA: angled through beam - sender + receiver 15 m (DC) and 10 m (AC) Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Fix or adjustable sensitivity SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic or metal housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc (PNP & NPN versions) SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply range 20...230 Vac (C3 version)Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comdc amplified three wire: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamNPN-NO or NPN-NC or NPN-NO/NC versions Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/PNP-NO or PNP-NC or PNP NO/NC versions SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified four wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNPN or PNP versions, NO+NC Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namac amplified three wire: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/NO or NC versions SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV81/DF: M18 photo switch, focused type  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV81/DF: focused diffuse type, 20 mm, infrared light Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV81/DF50: focused diffuse type, 35 mm, visible red light Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Fix or adjustable sensitivity SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic or metal housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc (PNP & NPN versions) SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified three wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNPN-NO or NPN-NC or NPN-NO/NC versions Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPNP-NO or PNP-NC or PNP NO/NC versions Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV81K: M18 high frequency photo switch   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet(1) OCV81K/D: inline diffuse types 100, 200 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(1) OCV81K/DA: angled diffuse type 100, 200 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(2) OCV81K/C: inline reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(2) OCV81K/CA: angled reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet(3) OCV81K/P-B: inline through beam - sender + receiver 15 mWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(3) OCV81K/PA-BA: angled through beam - sender + receiver 15 m Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFix or adjustable sensitivity Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Switching frequency up to 10 kHz SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic or metal housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified three wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNPN-NO or NPN-NC versions Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPNP-NO or PNP-NC versions Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV81/F: M18 photo switch with fiber optic   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV81/F: sensor body with optic fiber plugWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFPO/D: diffuse type optic fiber (80 mm) Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFPO/B: through beam optic fiber (600 mm) Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Fix or adjustable sensitivity SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic or metal housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc (PNP & NPN versions) SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified three wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNPN-NO or NPN-NC or NPN-NO/NC versions Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPNP-NO or PNP-NC or PNP NO/NC versions Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV88: M18 multifunction photo switch   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV88/D: inline diffuse types 100, 200, 400Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV88/DA: angled diffuse type 100, 200, 400 Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV88/C: inline reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV88/CA: angled reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV88/P-B: inline through beam - sender + receiver 15 mWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV88/PA-BA: angled through beam - sender + receiver 15 Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFour wire photo switch PNP/NPN, NO/NC, programmable Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Fix or adjustable sensitivity SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic or metal housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV91: M18 programmable photo switch  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV91/D: inline diffuse types 100, 200, 400 Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV91/DA: angled diffuse type 100, 200, 400 Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV91/C: inline reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV91/CA: angled reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflectorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV91/P-B: inline through beam - sender + receiver 15 m Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV91/PA-BA: angled through beam - sender + receiver 15 m Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Four wire photo switch PNP or NPN, NO/NC programmable SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFix or adjustable sensitivityWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMetal housing Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamShort circuit proof Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Connection by cable or M12 connector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply range 10...30 VdcWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV03: M18 photo switch with optic fiber for wire breakdown control   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV03: M18 body amplifier  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FPO/B: Beam type optic fiber (25 mm) SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFive wire photo switch PNP/NPN, NAWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMinimum adjustable frequency Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMetal body Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Short circuit proof standard SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletConnection by cableWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOLC18: photo switch sensor for colour detection RGB type   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OLC18/DP2: M18 diffuse type 10-100mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOLC18/FP2: M18 Optical fibre diffuse type 3-25mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV87: M30 photo switch   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(1) OCV87/D: diffuse type 700mm, 1000 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(2) OCV87/C: reflex type 5 m with reflector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFix or adjustable sensitivityWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMetal housing Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamShort circuit proof Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Connection by cable or M12 connector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply range 10...30 Vdc (PNP & NPN versions)Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply range 20...230 Vac (C3 version) Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namdc amplified three wire: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/NPN-NO or NPN-NC or NPN-NO/NC versions SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPNP-NO or PNP-NC or PNP NO/NC versionsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comac amplified three wire: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamNO or NC versions Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/analog output cylindrical photo switch   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet(1) OCV81/600: M18 sensing distance 600mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(2) OCV87/1600: M30 sensing distance 1600mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSensitivity adjustment Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Metal housing SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletShort circuit proofWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comConnection by cable or M12 connector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply range 15...30 Vdc Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/analog outout : SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet0-10Vdc, 10-0Vdc, 0-20mA, 20-0 mA, 4-20 mA, 20-4 mA.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comanalog output block type, high tech photo switch   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV50/1500: 50 x 50 mm con distanza d' interevento 1500mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Sensitivity adjustment with teach-in SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 15...30 Vdc SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletanalog outout :Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comThrough the teach-in key is possible to invert the output trend either from Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam 0-10Vdc to 10-0 Vdc, or from 0-20mA to 20-0 mA or from 4-20 mA to 20-4 mA.  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV84: block type photo switch   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV84/D: diffuse type 100, 200, 400, 600 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV84/C: reflex type 2 / 3 m with reflector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV84/P-B: through beam - sender + receiver 15m  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Fix or adjustable sensitivity SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic or metal housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc (P & N versions) SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified three wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNPN-NO/NC versions Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPNP NO/NC versions Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV86: block type photo switch   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV86/D6: diffuse type 0-2 mWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV86/C: reflex type 8 m with reflector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV86/P-B: beam - sender + receiver 30 m Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Sensitivity and temporized adjustment with trimmer SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletThe calibration of the photocell is made by managing the minidipsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPlastic housing Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamShort circuit proof Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Connection by cable SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply range 15...30 VdcWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply range 24...220 Vdc/Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namdc amplified five wire: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/NPN + PNP output SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletNO/NC selectionWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comdc/ac amplified five wire:: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namoutput relè on change with contacts NO+NC Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV51: miniature photo switch   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV51/D2: diffuse type 400 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV51/C: reflex type 2 (3) m with reflector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSensitivity adjustment with "teach-in" key Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Plastic housing SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletShort circuit proofWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comConnection by cable or M12 connector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/dc amplified five wire: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletNPN + PNP outputWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNO/NC selection wire Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV52: miniature photo switch   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/OCV52/D2: diffuse type 400 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV52/C: reflex type 2 (3) m with reflectorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSensitivity adjustment with "teach-in" key Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPlastic housing Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Short circuit proof SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletConnection by cable or M12 connectorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namdc amplified five wire: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/NPN + PNP output SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletNO/NC selection wireWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV50: block type, high tech photo switch   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(1) OCV50/D5: diffuse type 1,5 m Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(2) OCV50/C: reflex type 5 m with reflector SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet(3) OCV50/P-B: beam - sender + receiver 15 mWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSensitivity adjustment with teach-in Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPlastic housing Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Short circuit proof SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletConnection by cable or M12 connectorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply range 15...30 Vdc Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply range 15...230 Vdc/Vac Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/dc amplified five wire: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletNPN + PNP outputWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNO/NC selection wire Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namdc/ac amplified five wire:: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/output relè on change with contacts NO+NC SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletOCV30: block type, compact photo switch  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV30/D2: diffuse type 400 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV30/C: reflex type 2 / 3 mwith reflector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Sensitivity adjustment with teach-in SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPlastic compact M18 housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by cable or M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Alimentazione 10...30 Vcc SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified five wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNPN + PNP output Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamNO/NC selection wire Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOV - FOM: fork type photo switch   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletslot depth 45mm:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOV02: slot width 2 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOV05: slot width 5 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOV10: slot width 10 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOV20: slot width 20 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOV30: slot width 30 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOV50: slot width 50 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOV80: slot width 80 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOV100: slot width 100 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOV120: slot width 120 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOV150: slot width 150 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/slot depth 85mm: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOM05: slot width 5 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOM10: slot width 10 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOM20: slot width 20 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOM30: slot width 30 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOM50: slot width 50 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOM80: slot width 80 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOM100: slot width 100 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOM120: slot width 120 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOM150: slot width 150 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFor the label detecting with teach-in button Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamAluminium housing Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Short circuit proof SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletConnection M12 or M8 connectorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namdc amplified four wire: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/NPN and PNP versions, NO+NC SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOV03: fork type photo switch for label detection  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(1) FOV03: slot width 3 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(2) FOV03...R: slot width 3 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Adjustable sensitivity by "teach-in" key or with trimmer adjustable SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletAluminium housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by M8 connector, 4 poles Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified four wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPNP/NPN-NO and PNP/NPN-NC or PNP/NPN and NO/NC outputs Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamQOV: frame light sensor   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/QOV01: frame 150 x 150 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletQOV02: frame 150 x 300 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comAdjustable sensitivity by teach-in key Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMetal housing Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Short circuit proof SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletConnection by M12 connectorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOutput pulse delay from 2 to 200 ms Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/dc amplified five wire: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selettwo outputs NPN-NA e PNP-NAWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV2: area control barrier   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(1) OCV21: area barrier 10 cm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(2) OCV22: area barrier 20 cm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet(3) OCV24: area barrier 40 cmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comAdjustable sensitivity Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMetal housing Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Short circuit proof SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSync wire between sender and receiverWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comConnection M12 connector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/dc amplified five wire: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletpush-pull outputWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comOCV31: area control barrier   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamOCV31: area barrier 10 cm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Fix sensitivity SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletMetal housingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comShort circuit proof Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamConnection by M12 connector Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply range 10...30 Vdc SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc amplified five wire:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comNPN-NO or NPN-NC output Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPNP-NO or PNP-NC output Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/POWER SUPPLY & INTERFACE UNITS SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletInterface unit type SS009900  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSensor interface unit for DIN rail mounting Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam it substitutes the old units type SS009901, SS009902 Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/and SS009904; all three old models are embedded SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletin a single programmable interface unit.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMain features: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namplastic housing for DIN rail mounting; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/changeover relay output, NO+NC contacts; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletpower supply 115-230Vca;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.compower supply 24 Vca; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nampower supply 24 Vcc; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/programmable time delay as switch-on or switch-off delay (max 99 hours); SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selettwo display with two digits to show programming steps and time countings;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.commultifunction input(s) for Namur sensors, NPN, PNP, mechanics contacts, Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namnot amplified photosensors. Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/The different job of three old interfaces is called by set one of three specific functions: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletfunction 01: input for sensor/photosensor, with double delay management,Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comswitch-on and switch-off delay; two displays show the two separates and  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namindipendent counting; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/function 02: input for optical barrier -sender + receiver; it can be as  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletwell an ON/OFF barrier, e.g. OCV81/P.. + OCV81/B..., as an unamplified barrier, Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.come.g. PR1 + PR2;  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namdouble delay management -switch-on + switch-off delay;  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/the two displays shows both dealys counting; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletfunction 03: two inputs from two sensors/photosensors, Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comwith two separates and indipendent time delays; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSwitching supply units from mains   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply from mains 115...230 Vca. SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletThe availables models are:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSWR1,1-24: Input: 115 ÷ 230 Vac - output: 24 Vdc - current: 1.1A; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSWR1,8-24: Input: 115 ÷ 230 Vac - output: 24 Vdc - current: 1.8A; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/SWR2,5-24: Input: 115 ÷ 230 Vac - output: 24 Vdc - current: 2.5A; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSWR4,5-24: Input: 115 ÷ 230 Vac - output: 24 Vdc - current: 4.5A;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSWR6,5-24: Input: 115 ÷ 230 Vac - output: 24 Vdc - current: 6.5A; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSWR10-24: Input: 115 ÷ 230 Vac - output: 24 Vdc - current: 10A; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/SWR20-24: Input: 115 ÷ 230 Vac - output: 24 Vdc - current: 20A; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSwitching supply units  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSupply Unit from 24 Vac. Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamAvailables models are: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/SWAL2/24, adjustable output from 5 to 26 Vdc, 2.5 A max; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletAll models are open board on a plastic housing for omega rail mounting.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSimple preset counter   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamC011: 48x48 mm, mono-directional counter simple to use 4 digits Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 24 Vcc SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 24 VacWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 115...230 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamIngressi: micro, contatto reed, NPN, PNP, Namur Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/MODELS - C011 -  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletProgrammable counters  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comCBM60: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamCBM60/LE: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with analogue output Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/CBM60/R: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with RS232 communication capability SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletCBM63: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with 2 set-pointsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comCBM63/LE: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with 2 set-points and analogue output Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamCBM63/R: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with 2 set-points and RS232 communication capability Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/CBM65: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with 4 set-points SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletCBM65/LE: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with 4 set-points and analogue outputWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comCBM65/R: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter with 4 set-points and RS232 communication capability Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply 10...30 Vdc Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 24 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 110 VacWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 220 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamInput: micro, reed relay, NPN, PNP, Namur Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/MODELS - CBM60/R - CBM60 - CBM60/LE - CBM63 - CBM63/R -  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletCBM63/LE - CBM65 - CBM65/R - CBM65/LE - Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPreset programmable counter/timer   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamCTY12: 48x48 mm, counter/timer, 4 digits, 1 set-point Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/CTY52: 72x72 mm, counter/timer, 4 digits, 1 set-point SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 10...30 VdcWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 24 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply 110 Vac Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 220 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletInput: micro, reed relay, NPN, PNP, NamurWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMODELS - CTY52 - CTY12 -  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamRevolution counters   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/CGY60: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletIVM60: 96x48 mm, 6 digits programmable speed indicatorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comIVM63: 96x48 mm, 6 digits programmable speed indicator with 2 set-points Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamIVM63/R: 96x48 mm, 6 digits programmable speed indicator with 2 set-points and RS232 communication capability Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/IVM63/LE:96x48 mm, 6 digits programmable speed indicator with 2 set-points and analogue output SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 10...30 VdcWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 24 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply 110 Vac Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 220 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletInput: micro, reed relay, NPN, PNP, NamurWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMODELS - IVM60 - CGY60 - IVM63 - IVM63/R - IVM63/LE -  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamTotal counter   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/CTY60: 96x48 mm, 6 digits counter SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 10...30 VdcWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 24 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply 110 Vac Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 220 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletInput: micro, reed relay, NPN, PNP, NamurWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMODELS - CTY60 -  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMultifunctions counters   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/XTM13: 48x48 mm, programmable counter/timer/speed counter, 5 digits, 2 set-points SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletXTM53: 72x72 mm, programmable counter/timer/speed counter, 6 digits, 2 set-pointsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comXTM63: 96x48 mm, programmable counter/timer/speed counter, 6 digits, 2 set-points Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply 10...30 Vdc Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 24 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 110 VacWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 220 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamInput: micro, reed relay, NPN, PNP, Namur Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/MODELS - XTM53 - XTM13 - XTM63   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletTHERMOMETERS AND TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comTemperature controllers   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamTXM10: 48x48 mm controller Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/TXM60: vertical, 48x96 mm controller SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletTXM61: horizontal, 96x48 mm controllerWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 24 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply 110 Vac Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 220 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletDouble 4 display indicator, one for temperature, the other for set-pointWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comProgrammable sensor input, PT100, J, K Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamProgrammables temperature scales from -200 °C to + 1000 °C Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Driving output plus alarm output SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletRegulation types ON/OFF, P, PI or PIDWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMODELS - TXM60 - TXM10 - TXM61 -  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamCAPACITIVE SENSORS Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/threaded metal body series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletK01 : dc and ac type with threaded metal body, Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comavailable diameters 18 - 22 - 30 - 32 - 50. Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namthreaded plastic body series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/K14 : dc and ac type with threaded plastic body,  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletavailable diameters 18 - 22 - 30 - 32 - 50.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comthreaded teflon body series   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamK15 : dc and ac type with threaded teflon body, Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/available diameters 18 - 22 - 30 - 32. SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletsmooth metal body series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comK13 : dc and ac type with smooth metal body,  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namavailable diameters 20 - 22 - 50. Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/smooth plastic body series   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletK20 : dc type with smooth plastic body, Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comavailable diameters 22 - 32 - 34 - 50.  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namsmooth teflon body series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/K21 : dc type with smooth teflon body,  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletavailable diameters 22 - 32.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comanalog type series   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamK50 : analog type with 0-10V analog output,  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/available diameter 30. SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletNAMUR type series  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comKA : NAMUR dc type , available diameters 18 - 30. Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namblock type series   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/K01Q : plate plastic housing, 40x60x15 mm and 80x80x50 mm size,  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdc and ac type.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comforked type for label detection   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamParticulary suitable to detect transparent labels on transparent bases,  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/high speed detection, microcontroller management for  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletautocalibration through a teach-in key:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFKX01: double output NPN/PNP, NO/NC, slot height 0,4 mm. Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFKX01/R: single output NPN/PNP, remote teach-in for labels program,  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/apertura slot: 0,4 mm. SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFKX02: double output NPN/PNP, NO/NC, slot height 0,8 mm.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFKX02/R: single output NPN/PNP, remote teach-in for labels program,  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namslot height 0,8 mm. Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/CONNECTORS AND CONNECTION SYSTEMS  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletconnectors for splitter boxes  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com- versions 3 or 4 wire, M8/M12; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam- versions 3 or 4 or 5 wire, M12/M12; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/- versions with shielded cable; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletsplitter boxes  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com4 way splitter boxes: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam- single supply; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/- double supply; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet- single output;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com- double output; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam6 way splitter boxes: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/- single supply; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet- double supply;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com- single output; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam- double output; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/8 way splitter boxes: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet- single supply;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com- double supply; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam- single output; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/- double output; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletM8 and M12 connectors for sensors  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comM8 connectors: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam- versions 3 or 4 wire, straight; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/- versions 3 or 4 wire angled; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletM12 connectors:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com- versions 3 or 4 wire, straight; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam- versions 3 or 4 wire, angled; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/- versions 5 wire; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Selet- versions 4 wire + shield;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comINCREMENTAL AND ABSOLUTE ENCODERS Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamCAMS PROGRAMMERS Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Incremental encoders 63 mm Ø   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletMain features are:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.combody 63 mm Ø Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namcompact size with aluminium basement and plastic cover Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/double bearings SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletscrew, servo & flange typesWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comshaft type Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namhollow shaft type Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/External shaft models: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSI063 - SI0B63 - SI0563 - SI163 - SI263 - SI863Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comHollow shaft models: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSIC63 - SIM63 - SIAP63 Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Incremental encoders 58 mm Ø   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletMain features are:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.combody 58 mm Ø Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namcompact size with aluminium basement and plastic cover Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/double bearings SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletscrew, servo & flange typesWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comshaft type Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namhollow shaft type Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/External shaft models: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSI058 - SI158 - SI258 - SI258ET - SI258H - SIHE58 - SIG58Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comHollow shaft models: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSI58AU - SIC58 - SIAP58 Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Incremental encoders 40 mm Ø   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletMain features are:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.combody 40 mm Ø Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namcompact size with aluminium basement and plastic cover Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/double bearings SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletscrew, servo & flange typesWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comshaft type Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namhollow shaft type Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/External shaft models: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSI040 - SIOM40 - SI140 - SI140A - SI140U - SI240 - SI440 - SIB40 - Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSIE40 - SIXE40 - SILO40 - SIG40 - SIV40 - SIV40L - SIRE40 - SIW40 Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamHollow shaft models: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/SIC40 - SIAP40 SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletIncremental encoders 30 mm Ø  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMain features are: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nambody 30 mm Ø Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/compact size with aluminium basement and plastic cover SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdouble bearingsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comModels: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSI230 Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/APX: digital electronics cams programmers   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletEmbedded and panel mounting versions:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.com(1) APX700: 16 cams, size 96x96 mm for panel mounting:  Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namprogrammable by PC or the own keyboard; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(2) APX2000: 32 cams, size 144x96 mm for panel mounting:  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletprogrammable by PC or the own keyboard; can work with up Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comto three different encoders. Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamResolution 360° and 720°. Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/MODELS - APX700 - APX2000 -  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletIncremental encoder of several sizes  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMain features are: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nambody 50 mm Ø; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/body 59 mm Ø; SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletbody 75 mm Ø;Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.combody 80 mm Ø; Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nambody 90 mm Ø; Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/basement in aluminium and cover in plastic or aluminium SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdouble bearingsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comshaft type Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namhollow shaft type Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/External shaft models: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSI250 - SIOM50 - SI080 - SIFR115Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comHollow shaft models: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSIC59 - SIAP70 - SIAP90 Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Wire linear encoder   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletMain features are:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comwire length 4 m or 8 m Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namprecision of 1 mm or 0.1 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/automatic wire return operation SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletModels: SIFLWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comAbsolute encoders 63 mm Ø   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMain features are: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/body 63 mm Ø SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletcompact size with aluminium basement and plastic coverWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comdouble bearings Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Namshaft type Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/hollow shaft type SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletExternal shaft models:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSA063 - SA163 - SA263 Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamHollow shaft models: Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/SAC63 SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletAbsolute encoders 63 mm Ø with SSI  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMain features are: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nambody 63 mm Ø Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/compact size with aluminium basement and plastic cover SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdouble bearingsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comshaft type Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamSSI output, 10 or 12 bits Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/External shaft models: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletSA063__SSIWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPANEL DISPLAY INDICATORS   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamProgrammable voltmeters / ampermeters   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/VCM10: 48x48 mm, 5 digits indicator SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletVCM13: 48x48 mm, 5 digits indicator with two set-pointsWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comVCM60: 96x48 mm, 5 digits indicator Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamVCM63: 96x48 mm, 5 digits indicator with two set-points Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 24 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 110 VacWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comPower supply 220 Vac Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMultiscale inputs, voltage or current types Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/DC types value reading SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletAC types value readingWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comset-points functions programming Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamMODELS - VCM13 - VCM10 - VCM60 - VCM63 -  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Voltmeters / ampermeters   SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletDVM3: 72x36 mm, 4 digits indicatorWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comDVM6: 96x48 mm, 4/5 digits indicators Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply 24 Vac Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Power supply 110 Vac SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply 220 VacWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comMultiscale inputs , voltage or current types Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamDC types value reading Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/AC type value reading SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletMODELS - DVM604/DVM614 - DVM304/DVM314 - DVM605/DVM615Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSENSORS FOR LABELS DETECTION Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamCapacitive fork sensors   Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Suitable for the detection of transparent labels on transparent supports,  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletdouble sheet detection. Very fast and accurate.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comSeveral models are available: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFKX01: double output NPN/PNP, NO/NC, slot height 0,4 mm. Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FKX01/R: single output NPN/PNP, remote teach-in for labels program,  SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletapertura slot: 0,4 mm.Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFKX02: double output NPN/PNP, NO/NC, slot height 0,8 mm. Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFKX02/R: single output NPN/PNP, remote teach-in for labels program,  Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/slot height 0,8 mm. SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOV - FOM: fork type photo switch  Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comslot depth 45mm: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOV02: slot width 2 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOV05: slot width 5 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOV10: slot width 10 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOV20: slot width 20 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOV30: slot width 30 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOV50: slot width 50 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOV80: slot width 80 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOV100: slot width 100 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOV120: slot width 120 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOV150: slot width 150 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến Seletslot depth 85mm:Wed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOM05: slot width 5 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOM10: slot width 10 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOM20: slot width 20 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOM30: slot width 30 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOM50: slot width 50 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFOM80: slot width 80 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/FOM100: slot width 100 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletFOM120: slot width 120 mmWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOM150: slot width 150 mm Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamFor the label detecting with teach-in button Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Aluminium housing SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletShort circuit proofWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comConnection M12 or M8 connector Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPower supply range 10...30 Vdc Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/dc amplified four wire: SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletNPN and PNP versions, NO+NCWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comFOV03: fork type photo switch for label detection   Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet Nam(1) FOV03: slot width 3 mm Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/(2) FOV03...R: slot width 3 mm SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletAdjustable sensitivity by "teach-in" key or with trimmer adjustableWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comAluminium housing Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamShort circuit proof Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam
http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/Connection by M8 connector, 4 poles SELET Sensor Vietnam distributor
Cảm biến SeletPower supply range 10...30 VdcWed : http://duongtrieuanh.mov.mn/
Emai : info.duongtrieuanh@gmail.comdc amplified four wire: Web: lien he : 0938.945.821
Selet Viet NamPNP/NPN-NO and PNP/NPN-NC or PNP/NPN and NO/NC outputs Đại lý cảm biến Selet Italy tại Việt Nam

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Contact : Võ Minh Triều .Phone : 0906 815 828
E Mail 1 : info@duongtrieuanh.com
Email 2 : minhtrieuvo1087@gmail.com
Địa chỉ : Số 1, đường 5, Khu nhà ở Vạn Phúc, P. Hiệp Bình Phước, Q. Thủ Đức, TP HCM
Tel : 028 3636 28 85 . Fax : 028 3636 28 85
MST : 0313.977.322 .
Website : http://duongtrieuanh.com/

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